
Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Online Etsy Store Travels to Natchez, Mississippi

Riverboat on the Mississippi at Natchez
I live in the small town of Lewes, Delaware which has a long history.  Lewes was the site of the first European settlement in Delaware, a whaling and trading post that Dutch settlers founded on June 3, 1631 so I really appreciate and relate to other small towns like Natchez, Mississippi.  Established by French colonists in 1716, Natchez is one of the oldest and most important European settlements in the lower Mississippi River Valley.  Both towns are on the water and have long histories.  What struck me about Natchez, is the large number of historic homes that are there.

Natchez has a population of 15,000 and Lewes; 3,000.
Stanton Hall
Natchez has several pre-civil war mansions.  Since Natchez had many Union sympathizers, the town surrendered to the Union with the hope of keeping the town from being destroyed.

The result is a town with lots of historic homes, churches, taverns etc.

Natchez Trace Mount Locust Inn
The Natchez Trace Parkway begin here.  It  is a 444-mile drive through beautiful scenery and 10,000 years of North American history.  Used by American Indians, "Kaintucks," settlers, and future presidents, the Old Trace played an important role in American history.  We didn't do a lot of the drive but we did stop to see Mount Locust.  It was an Inn used by travelers as early as 1780.

Bay Moon Design Etsy store of jewelry
I bet you are wondering how I can take my Etsy store with me.   My entire Etsy store of over 200 items fits into 3 plastic cases and a former box of chocolates!    If you want to make sure you don't miss any of my trip, please follow my blog.
Mount Locust

Parkway, Mount Locust was an inn or "stand" used
by travelers as early as 1780.

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