Whales have been on my mind for awhile now. My fascination began with a much anticipated trip to see whales in the Dominican Republic in February. Each year 3 to 5 thousand humpback whales return to Samana and adjacent waters to give birth and mate for the following year. From January until March, males can be observed vying for the attentions of females. Baby whales can be seen swimming with their mothers. Tours are available to take folks like me to see these whales. I just hoped that I would actually get to see at least one humpback whale.
Humpback Whales |
The day that I went on the whale watch between 300 to 500 whales passed by. I saw around one dozen in the hour that I was on the tour. They were sky-rocketing, standing on their tails, enjoying the attention from the crowds. It was such a thrill for me to experience this. I am thankful to the efforts of the International Whaling Commission. Through their efforts the humpback whales along with other species have received world protection since 1966. The world population of humpback whales has reached 30-35% of its original levels.
My jewelry and handmade cards are inspired by nature. I needed to create several cards for a birthday, get well, thinking of you, and baby shower. With whales on my mind, I came up this whale theme card which can be used for a multitude of occasions.