Traditionally, my small hometown of Lewes, Delaware has a Holiday House Tour the first Saturday in December. It is sponsored by the local historical society. This year, due to Covid 19 concerns, a virtual house tour was held in its place. The Colonel David Hall Chapter of the Daughters of the America Revolution was invited to decorate their chapter house, the Maull House, which dates back to 1739. Members use natural greens, pine cones, ivy, and berries which are gathered from the local area.
We put a handmade wreath on the front door and decorate throughout the house with these elements from nature. The beautiful fireplace of the home is always a special place to decorate. This year lots of magnolia leaves, holly and pinecones were on the hearth.
A Colonial Williamsburg Centerpiece graces the dining table each year. This year I took up the challenge to create the centerpiece. We have a wooden form that I used to make the centerpiece. These forms are readily available on Etsy and commercial websites. The are called "apple trees".

Magnolia leaves created a nice finishing touch under the base. It turned out well especially for a first attempt. The pineapple is an important part of the centerpiece and much care should be taken when selecting one. In retrospect, I wish I had paid more attention to the bottom of my pineapple in addition to its size. The pineapple leaned a little to one side and I didn't dare to attempt a correction.
The smell of the centerpiece is wonderful. I would encourage you to give it a try. I also can enjoy seeing the centerpiece leaning slightly in the virtual house tour which I enjoyed from the safety of my home during this time of Covid.